
How to keep your grass green

Yellowing and patchy grass is not aesthetically pleasing for anyone. Keeping your grass green, full and fresh can be a time-consuming task but completely worth it. Follow these simple steps to ensure your lawn looks fantastic.

– Fertiliser – we advise to start a fertiliser routine in winter but if you haven’t already done this you can start from March, you should use a quick release, high nitrogen fertiliser.
– Weed and moss control – the greenest lawns are the ones free from weeds and moss. Using a weed killer once or twice a year will help eliminate weeds. You should avoid using killers on a hot day as this can kill your grass.
– Water – in dry spells its important to keep your lawn hydrated, a hose or sprinkler system will do the job.
– Seeding – applying new grass seed will quickly bring back the green back to your garden.